UltraSoft Tech India is one of the fastest growing software development firms in India. This is situated on the bank of pious river Yamuna in Delhi. The establishing objective of this firm is providing impeccable service, premium products and comprehensive solutions to the various government and their autonomous bodies in India. UltraSoft Tech India has already established itself as a leader in government segments and offers a broad range of services ranging from software consultancy, ready made software packages and Turnkey Software Solutions.
The growth and performance of UltraSoft Tech India has been very much due to the ability, performance and dedication of UltraSoft Tech India human resources, all of whom are committed to the service of our customers and the need to continually improve the quality and reliability of all products and services that UltraSoft Tech India provides. Our team consists of the experts of working with the government system. These experts are still working with the government or they have worked with the government for years together. These are expertise in various fields like Administration, Accounts, and Executives etc. So these know very well the need of the government and working of the government. We are a loyal business partner to our clients/user, providing them with the highest level of technical expertise in development, with uncompromising ethical standards of honesty and integrity. We give our clients the assurance that we will be there when they need us.
The firm currently has a strong technical team at its development centre in Delhi, India, that house state of the art infrastructure in the line with operational requirements. Our technical team has wide experience in various programming languages, which includes C, C++, VB, VC++, Java, HTML, DHTML, Java Script, XML, ASP, JSP, Access, SQL, Oracle, VB.net, ASP.net and Multimedia Development.
Our values are extremely important to us. These form the bedrock of our vision and plans. We are not here merely to make business. We are here to automate government offices. Make the office work simple and swift by applying all means and technique made available by IT. We want to make all working group very friendly with the computer and make it a habit of all working and worked for.
Values are an integral part of our culture and present a common face to our customer. The four Axis values: Human Values, Integrity, Innovative Solutions and value for money are encapsulated in our promise to the customer and in our identity. These values shape our thinking, our behavior and how we come across to our customer, partners and to the world at large. We believe that UltraSoft Tech India is poised to maintain its leadership position in government sector, and to make important inroads into the provision of services for government requirements. Several factors will continue to distinguish us in this crowded and highly competitive field. First, UltraSoft Tech India is dedicated solely to the needs of government users.
Our services, our network, and our business processes are geared toward serving their unique and often mission-critical requirements. UltraSoft Tech India will continue to respond with the quality of services and support required by government. While no one can predict the future, we believe our commitment to, and experience with, the needs of the government give us an advantage in serving these requirements.
Our Goal
To ensure customers total satisfaction by providing value based services and upholding their trust. Also to develop into an organization that is commercially competitive, future oriented, creative & socially responsible.
Our vision is to provide the best possible quality and value in the development and maintenance of business driven information systems. We recognize the need that the business model drives the software & website development environment embracing standards and best practices in the industry.
UltraSoft Tech India mission is to provide the best possible value in software for the development and deployment of your critical official information systems. We strive to make your working processes visible and your government more agile.
UltraSoft Tech India develops applications on Microsoft Technologies. Latest design tools are used for creating aesthetic web pages which provide a professional look and feel. With more than 10 years has been intensively been devoted for co-relating IT and government working and more than 10,000 hours of experience in developing business friendly solutions, we have worked on:
- Visual Basic
- VBScript
- MS Access Database
- MS SQL Database (Versions)
We have a very large customer base of our software and is scattered from U.T. Chandigarh to Madhya Pradesh. We have been working for Central Government, Delhi Government, U.T. Chandigarh, and Madhya Pradesh Government. More than two lakhs employees are being benefited software.
UltraSoft Tech India is fast growing firm in terms of customer base as well as in it business turnover. This is growing with a speed of 43 % ratio between sale and profit and 33 % profit growth.
We, association of specialized people of various Government(s)/Public Sector(s), are carrying ceaseless Research & Development for developing very user friendly computer interfaces to automate Government offices for nearly one decade. For Human Resource Management our team having computer specialist and the government office-working experts has developed various daily need, very useful, application software for Accounts Section as well as for Administration Section.